Subuta 酢豚

Recently I made “su-buta” 酢豚 (sweet & sour pork) for dinner. Really authentic, and easy to make.


I found the recipe online, but it went something like this:

  1. Marinate some pork in soy sauce, cooking sake and vegetable oil, then coat in cornflour, deep fry in cooking oil before setting aside
  2. Make a cooking sauce of vinegar (sour), sugar (sweet), soy sauce, chicken stock and water
  3. Cook some veggies in frypan, then add the pork
  4. Pour the cooking sauce over the lot, and after a few minutes, add a small amount of cornflour to let the sauce thicken.
  5. Finished!

By David

Lived in Tokyo between 2008-2010, which gave this blog much of its initial content. Then back to Australia and the content of this site will diversify. Originally from Melbourne, currently based in Perth.

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