Face masks web traffic spike

When I was in Melbourne last week, I distributed a few Japanese face masks to my friends – mainly to try and goad them into embarrassing themselves wearing them around town (and hopefully not set off any security alerts…). 

Testing out face masks in Melbourne

With all this talk of swine flu, I didn’t realise how ahead of the times I was!  Very soon, this could be you wearing one of these fashionable numbers.

My website statistics are telling me that there’s been a spike in traffic visiting my webpage that road tested some face masks.  Mechakucha seems to have provided a valuable community service.

By David

Lived in Tokyo between 2008-2010, which gave this blog much of its initial content. Then back to Australia and the content of this site will diversify. Originally from Melbourne, currently based in Perth.


  1. Adrien mentioned that he might be heading to Mexico City, so knowing that you had already done the leg work I directed him here. I’m sure he found it useful.

    At the moment no Melbournians appear to be donning a mask. Not sure that a scarf over one’s face counts. When they do I’ll take a quick snap.

  2. The Parmas were nice that day tho David.

    I am tossing up whether to put this on my Facebook or not, people might think we are freaks or bioterrorists!

    Of course, as you say, we were just incredibly well prepared!

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